Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I decided that the "exile in France" description in my profile might be a bit harsh, so I changed it to what you find now. The real driver for my original comment was from reading the Immigration Equality website and the recent discussions about the Uniting American Families Act (UAFA). So I decided to get a little political and wrote a letter to Hillary Clinton, who has expressed some issues about fraud and the administration of the policy. Below is the note I sent her campaign website:

I am glad to hear that your campaign office has agreed to meet with Immigration Equality about the Uniting American Families Act. As a gay American, this is only one of hundreds of areas of rights that I do not share with my fellow heterosexual Americans. But this is an area that impacts me personally, so I have decided to write to you with the hopes that you will be able to support UAFA completely and make it become a reality. I am one half of a bi-national couple, my partner being a French citizen. As we have shared a committed relationship for over 7 years, we have explored all of the possibilities for us to live together. France offers a legal solution for a gay couple, which allows us to live together and share a wonderful life. The United States does not. With UAFA, we would have the potential to consider the alternative of legally living in the United States together, where I could be closer to my American family and friends, be speaking my native language, and resume my career in the country where I was born and worked most of my adult life. Thank you for reading this and please feel free to contact me if you would like to understand these concerns more deeply.

If you have feelings of thoughts about this that you would like to express, please share them.

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