Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Why this bloody name?

I want you to create a couple of mental images as I explain this blog name. First, imagine a "national lampoon" cartoon showing a wheel barrow outside a French restaurant next to a placard which says "fresh frog legs today!" Upon closer look at the contents of the wheel barrow you will see it contains amputee frogs with somewhat sad expressions on their faces. Now, imagine a similar style cartoon showing an American style restaurant which a sign outside it announcing "best chicken wings in town!" Scrambling around the sign are a group of wing-less chickens chatting to each other. We can overhear one of them saying, "we never did fly much anyway."

While both of these appetizers may be relatively popular in their respective countries, they may seem quite unusual in the other country. It is this sort of cultural experience I hope to share with you in this blog. The things we see and confront when we find ourselves in a foreign experience teach us as much about ourselves as the world around us. Our perspectives and prejudices filter our world view.

Food will most likely be a reoccurring element in this blog. I hope you will enjoy it and come back frequently for updates.

1 comment:

usabucko said...

As an American I can appreciate the sense of wonder and desire of the differences of our cultures. I enjoyed your blog and look forward to more. I remember when you got those skates. Watching you pick up speed down the hill of the Rio Montana MTS. Love ya!